The Secret to High Returns:  TV Retail Shopping Channels.

Dalex Laboratories can help you develop your one of a kind brand by creating innovative unique products with a ‘point of difference.’ We also offer professional guidance and support to assist you in your new venture through TV Retail Shopping.

TV exposure is one of the best ways to brand your products, as TV shopping shortens the distance between the brands and consumers. It overthrows the traditional sales channel without agents, distributors and brick & mortar. This is a more advanced business model, which signifies a retail revolution without your brand sitting on a retail shelf collecting dust.

What makes TV Shopping Channels Successful ?

  • Accessibility – 24/7 broadcasting, phone orders, internet sales and timely order fulfillment.
  • Imagination – TV retail offers unique products that tell a story; selling on TV allows product benefits to be demonstrated and explained in detail.
  • TV Shopping Channels deliver more than products – they deliver emotional benefits right to your door.
  • Affordability – Television channels normally offer discounts to the buying public to help generate volume sales

Who’s watching the 3 major TV Shopping Channels ?

  • Women – 90% of TV Shoppers are women.
  • Boomers – TV Shoppers are from various age groups but generally 35 – 60.
  • TV Shoppers are experienced and avid shoppers across every channel of retail.
  • Approximate (viewers and sales) 300 million viewers, with $15 billion annually in sales.

Brand Awareness through INFOMERCIALS

Many of Dalex Laboratories’ customers have achieved success through the use of infomercials to market their products. Infomercials, which are paid sixty-second spots or 30 minute TV commercials devoted to one product, can generate huge volumes if done correctly. Learn the dos & don’ts with the help of Dalex Laboratories.